DPEd Final English (sk) suggestion

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DPEd Final exam suggestion-2019
Subject English (sk)
Broad type question
1. [Name, Parents, name, permanent and present address, Educational qualification, computer skill and experience as a teacher]
2. Write a short paragraph describing the problems you face in teaching English a training school and the ways that help you deal with the problems. Try to use some of the generalizing (general, on the whole, by and large)
3. Write a short description (within 250 words) of your favourite building(use comparative and superlative forms)
4. Do you think in general worn work harder than men in Bangladesh? If your answer is yes or not then you explain it.
5 What do you mean by ‘ leisure tie/pastime? Describe your own experiences about day out with the family at the weekend.
6. How do you spend your leisure time/ pastime generally? Describe about a place you have recently visited. Or describe about a place where you want ro go?
7. What do your mean by national heritage? Describe about a national heritage your country.
8. What do your mean by national heritage? Describe about a national heritage you have travelled recently.
9. What types of problems are faced by our national heritage? Describe the ways of solving the problems of how can we preserve our national heritage?
10. Write a composition about our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. Why he is called the ‘Rebel poet’? Describe it.
11. Introduce yourself to a group of people. Write a composition about your daily doing using obligations(have to, don’t have to, must, can’t etc)
12. Your friend wanted to know about DPEd course and your PTI. Now reply him or her reflecting present simple and continuous form in your letter.
13. How do your remember your primary school? Describe your favourite teacher. Why he/she is your favourite?
14. Do you think it is important to tell children stories? Why or Why not? Give reason in favour of your opinion.
15. Suppose you are going to apply for the post of AUE0. Write your CV for the post include the following information in your CV.

16. What is handicraft? Usually Where can it be found? Write a description about the cultural and economin importance of handicrafts in Bangladesh.
17. Describe about a holiday that you observed. How do we celebrate Bangla new year or Pohela Boishakh? Describe in details.
18. Name four things which can be done on the internet. Have you used any of them. Which do you prefer to use? Why? Write five reasons.
19. What is the role of internet in education sector? How do your use internet to teach your student and how does it help you to develop your professional skills?
20. What is natural disaster? What types of natural disasters often take place in Bangladesh? Describe about a natural disaster you faced.
21. What kinds of sports are regularly played in Bangladesh? Describe about a game that you recently enjoyed. Do you think it is important to teach children of the primary level students sports? Why? Describe it.
22. What is the difference between cities and village? Describe about your living place or home town/
23. Describe about the transport system of your locality. Which transport do you think more comfortable? Why? Give reasons behind it . Describe about the transport system of Bangladesh.
Short type question
1. Write short story using past form?
2. Why is it important to tell children stories? What is the moral of the story. ‘ The lion and the mouse?’
3. Why do people want to travel? or Why do people go on a picnic?
4. What is balance diet? What does it consist of?
5. What kinds of animals live in the Sundorbons? Give examples.
6. Why is cox’s bazar important as a national heritage?
7. What role do handicraft play in the economy at present in Bangladesh?
8. What is your favourite sports? Write two reasons in favor of that.

āĻĄিāĻĒিāĻāĻĄেāĻ° āĻ¸āĻŦ āĻŦিāĻˇā§ŸেāĻ° āĻ¸াāĻœেāĻļāĻ¨ āĻĒেāĻ¤ে āĻ­িāĻœিāĻŸ āĻ•āĻ°ুāĻ° www.bdprimary.com
9. How does the computer change your life?
10. Write your visit to book fair?
11. How do your introduce yourself to your new students?
12. What profession fo you thing the most interesting? Give two reasons.
13. As a teacher why a daily routine important for you?
14. How can you keep yourselt healthy?
15. What do the health care workers do?
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