Class 3 English Unit 1 Lesson 1,2,3 (Greetings and introductions)

Class 3 English

Exam Preparation

q  Arrange and rewrite the following words so that they make sense :

a)   mirapyr

b)   fine, thanks, i'm.

c)   are, how, you?

d)   fareha, hello!, mrs.

e)   am, i, mashuk.


a)   Primary

b)   I'm fine, thanks. 

c)   How are you?

d)   Hello! Mrs. Fareha.

e)   I am Mashuk.

q  Rewrite the sentence(s) using punctuations and capital letters where necessary :

a)   hi i m riya  

b)   hello i m mashuk

c)   how are you

d)   i m fine thanks

e)   hello riya and mashuk


a)   Hi! I'm Riya.

b)   Hello! I'm Mashuk.

c)   How are you?

d)   I'm fine, Thanks.

e)   Hello! Riya and Mashuk.

q  Fill in the blanks.

      a)   ¾¾ ! I'm Riya.

      b)   I'm fine, ¾¾.

      c)   Hello! Riya ¾¾ Mashuk.

      d)   ¾¾ are you?

      e)   Hello! ¾¾ Fariha.    

      Ans.  a) Hi,   b) thanks,   c) and,   d) How,  e) Mrs.

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