৫ম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন Class 5 English MCQ Question Suggestion (1-10 Unit)

৫ম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন  Class 5 English MCQ Question Suggestion (1-10 Unit)

৫ম শ্রেণির বৃত্তি পরীক্ষা ২০২২ এ ইংরেজি বিষয়ে ১৫টি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন থাকবে। এই প্রশ্নগুলোর প্রস্তুতির জন্য শিক্ষার্থীদের ইংরেজি বিষয়ে বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন পড়তে হবে। নিচে ইংরেজি বিষয়ের ১-৫ অধ্যায়ের বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন সমাধান দেওয়া হলো।

Class 5 English MCQ 1-10 Unit

[Unit 1: Lesson 4-5]

Sima and Tomal are in the Town Hall Language Club. They come to the club to practise speaking English. 

They listen to CDs and watch DVDs in English, or practise English with friends. Today there is a new person in the club. He is reading a book about Bangladesh. 

Sima : Look, Tamal! Who’s that gentleman? Do you know him! 

Tamal : Yes, That’s Andy Smith. He’s working with an NGO here. I met him yesterday at the bookshop. 

Sima : Maybe we can practise our English with him. 

Tamal : Good idea. I’ll introduce you to him. Come with me.

Write the answer on the answer paper  :
i) The story is about ––. a

A a language club

B speaking English

C a foreigner

D friendship

ii) People come to the Language Club to ––. c

A listen to music B meet friends

C practise language D sit alone

iii) Sima and Tomal watch ––. b


C TV D Computer

iv) –– is reading a book in the club. c

A Tamal B Sima

C Andy D Adam

v) Where does Andy Smith work? b

A Language Club B NGO

C Bookshop D Bank

vi) Who met Andy at the book store? a

A Tamal B Sima

C Sumon D Kamal

vii) Sima and Tamal ___ to the Language Club. c

A comes B coming

C come D goes

viii)  Andy is reading a book about a

A Bangladesh

B America

C England

D India

ix) The word 'DVD' means . c

A Digital Visual Disk

B Digital Volume Disk

C Digital Versatile Disk

D Delete Video Dist

x) Who proposes to practise English with Andy? a

A Sima B Tamal

C Kamal D Sima & Tomal

 [Unit 3: Lessons 1-2]

Saikat Islam lives with his parents in a flat in Bogra. His father Mr. Rashidul Islam is a banker. But in his free time Mr. Islam writes stories and listens to music. Saikat’s mother is Mrs. Monwara Islam. She is a housewife. In her free time she enjoys sewing. She makes dresses. She often gets orders from her friends and neighbours.

Saikat is in class five. He is a good student. He wants to improve his English, so he watches cartoons on TV every day. He also reads English books. He likes books about animals, especially tigers and lions.

  Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i)       What is the story about?                              d                                     

            A     Saikat's father     B     Saikat's mother

            C     Saikat's school    D     Saikat's life

ii)     Saikat lives in _____.                                     c                                     

            A     Dhaka                    B     Comilla

            C     Bogra                     D     Sylhet

iii)    Saikat watches cartoons on TV because _____.                                                                        a

            A     he wants to improve his English

         B     he wants to be a cartoonist

            C     he enjoys it very much

         D     he is addicted to cartoon

iv)     "Saikat lives with his parents in a flat." Here flat means.                                                                        b

            A     slum                       B     apartment

            C     office                       D     street

v)      Who loves sewing?                                       c

            A     Saikat                     B     Saikat's father

            C     Saikat's mother  D     Saikat's friend

vi)       English story books are read everyday by _____.                                                     d

            A     Saikat's father     B     Saikat's mother

            C     Saikat's friend     D     Saikat

vii)   Mrs. Monwara loves sewing because _____.     b

            A     she is poor

            B     she has free time

            C     she is interested in sewing

            D     she has no other way

viii)  When Mr. Islam gets free time, he _____.   c

            A     plays games         B     watches TV

            C     writes stories      D     teaches Saikat

ix)     Saikat reads English story books because he _____.                                                                                   d

            A     wants to be an English writer

            B     wants to go abroad

            C     wants to be a doctor

            D     wants to improve his English

x)      Why does Mr. Islam write stories?             c

            A     To be a story writer

            B     So that he can improve his writing

            C     It is his hobby

            D     He has no other work to do

Additional Questions :

xi)     Saikat lives with his _____.                            b

            A     friends                   B     parents

            C     cousins                  D     relatives

xii)   Saikat lives in a _____.                                   a

            A     flat                          B     hut

            C     brick-built house D     slum

xiii)  Saikat is the inhabitant of _____.                  c

            A     Dhaka                    B     Sylhet

            C     Bogra                     D     Rajshahi

xiv)   Saikat's father works in a _____.                  b

            A     firm                        B     bank

            C     school                    D     college

  1. xv)    In his free time Mr. Islam writes _____.       d

            A     novels                    B     poems

            C     dramas                   D     stories

xvi)   What is Saikat's mother?                             b

            A     A female singer B     A housewife

            C     A dress-maker    D     A teacher

xvii) Listening to music is Mr. Islam's _____.      a

            A     hobby                     B     profession

            C     extra work            D     main work

xviii) Saikat wants to _____ his English.                a

            A     develop                 B     correct

            C     teach                       D     learn

xix)   As a student Saikat is _____.                         d

            A     dull                    B     weak

            C     lazy                         D     brilliant

xx)    The word 'free time' is similar to _____.     c

            A     busy time             B     working time

            C     leisure                    D     hobby

xxi)   Saikat does not _____.                                   b

            A     study in class five

            B     make dresses

            C     watch cartoons

            D     want to improve his English

xxii)   What does Saikat want to improve?                   c

            A     Listening              B     Speaking

            C     English                  D     Math

xxiii) What is Saikat?                                             d

            A     a worker            B     a singer

            C     a cricketer         D       a student

xxiv) Saikat is a student of a _____.                       d

            A     university          B    college

            C     high school        D     primary school

xxv)  In order to improve our English, we should _____.                                                                        d

            A     watch cartoons on TV

            B     read English story books

            C     Practice speaking English

            D     do all of these

xxvi) Saikat likes books about _____.                    c

            A     cat & dogs            B     horse & tigers

                  C              tigers & lions         D              lions & horse

[Unit 4: Lessons 1-2]

Tamal    : Hi, my friend! Nasreen and I are reporters for the English Club Magazine. Would you mind answering some questions?

Sima      : Sure, No problem. It's my pleasure.

Tamal    : Could you tell me your name and which class you are in?

Sima      : I'm Sima. I'm in Class 5.

Tamal    : How do you spend your leisure time, Sima?

Sima      : Well, I like to walk in the park. I also like to sing. My cousin lives in the UK. Sometimes, I talk to her and her friends on the internet.

Nasreen : So, talking on the internet keeps you connected.

Sima      : That's right.

Tamal    : (to Biju) Hello! Can I ask you the same questions?

Biju       : My name's Biju and I'm in class 5, too. I love swimming. It keeps me fit. I also like painting. I'm not very good, but painting makes me happy.

Tamal    : What about reading? Do either of you like reading?

Biju       : I do. I often read magazines in my free time. I like magazines about sports, especially football and cricket.

Sima      : Oh, I like to read, too. I love reading funny stories, especially stories of Nasiruddin Hojja.

  Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i)       The text is about –––.                                   b                                          

            A     Interview              B     Leisure time             

            C     Campus life         D     Student life

ii)     Who started the dialogue first?                   d                                          

            A     Sima                       B     Nasreen                    

            C     Biju                         D     Tamal                       

iii)    The reporters are reporting for ¾.            c

            A     Student Club Magazine

         B     Swimming Club Magazine

            C     English Club Magazine

         D     English Newspaper

iv)     ––– loves swimming.                                     a

            A     Biju                         B     Nasreen

            C     Interviewer          D     Sima

v)      Sima is in class –––.                                       c                                          

            A     3                               B     4                                

            C     5                               D     6

vi)     Sima spends her leisure time –––.               c                                          

            A     drawing             B     painting                    

            C     singing               D     dancing

vii) How many persons are in the text?               d

            A     one                          B     two                            

            C     three                       D     four

viii)  Who asked questions?                                  a                                          

            A     Tamal                    B     Sima                         

            C     Nasreen                 D     Biju

ix)     ‘Leisure time’ means ¾                               b

            A     busy time           B     free time

            C     work time             D     school time

x)      Who are the interviewees?                           b

            A     Tamal and Nasreen

            B     Sima and Biju

            C     Tamal and Biju

            D     Nasreen and Sima

Additional Questions :

xi)     Who are the interviewers?                           a

            A     Tamal and Nasreen

            B     Sima and Biju

            C     Tamal and Biju

            D     Nasreen and Sima

xii)   Biju is a student of class ¾.                         a

            A     5                               B     6

            C     7                               D     8

xiii)  How does Biju keep him fit?                       d

            A     By walking          B     By cycling

            C     By painting          D     By swimming

xiv)   Both Biju and Sima like ¾.                         c

            A     walking                 B     swimming

            C     reading                  D     painting

xv)    Who uses internet to communicate with people?                                 c

            A     Tamal                    B     Nasreen

            C     Sima                       D     Biju

xvi)   __ takes the advantage of modern technology.                                     a

            A     Sima                       B     Nasreen

            C     Biju                         D     Tamal

xvii) Where does Sima's cousin live?                  d

            A     UAE                       B     USA

            C     KSA                        D     UK

xviii) What makes Biju happy?                            b

            A     swimming            B     painting

            C     reading                  D     walking

xix)    Biju is fond of reading magazines about ¾.   c

            A     Handball and Cricket

            B     Football and Handball

            C     Cricket and Football

            D     Volleyball and Handball

xx)    Sima loves the funny stories of ____.              d

            A     Nasiruddin Sah

            B     Nasiruddin Haji

            C     Nasiruddin Sheikh

            D     Nasiruddin Hojja

xxi)   There are ____ exclmatory signs in the text. b

            A     1                               B     2

            C     3                               D     4

[Unit 6: Lessons 4-5]

What food is good food? Sometimes the food we like to eat isn't the healthiest food for us. The Food Pyramid helps us to understand the different food groups, and it tells us how much of each food group we should eat.

Look at the picture of the Food Pyramid. We eat more of the foods at the bottom of the pyramid. What foods do you see at the bottom? These are things made from grain for example, rice, ruti and bread. Potatoes are not grains, but they are similar. Grains give us energy.

Fruit and vegetables are in the next level of the pyramid. These are also very important for us. They have vitamins. They help our eyes and our health.

On the next level, there are fish, meat, dairy products, beans and lentils. Meat, fish and chicken have protein.  Beans and lentils do, too!

Dairy products are things like milk and eggs.  They help our teeth and bones. Protein and dairy make us strong.

Fat and oil are at the top of the Food Pyramid. These make food delicious, but our body does not need very much of them.

Sometimes we can't get food from all the different food groups. But when we have choices about food, we need to make good choices.

  Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i)     If you eat healthy foods, you will be¾         b

         A     fat                               B     healthy

         C     thin                            D     tall

ii)   "These make food delicious". Here the word 'delicious' is ¾.                                    b

         A     noun                          B     adjective

         C     verb                           D     adverb

iii)  Vitamins are found in ____                               a

         A     vegetables               B     wheat

         C     rice                            D     potatoes

iv)   Which one is not a dairy product?                a

         A     fish                            B     yogurt

         C     milk                           D     cheese

v)    ____ is a dairy product.                                     b

         A     bread                         B     cheese

         C     fat                               D     cereal

vi)   Which of the following food items is not at the base of the food pyramid?                   a

         A     fish                            B     rice

         C     potatoes                   D     noodles

vii)   Good food means ¾.                                    c

            A     rich food               B     costly food

            C     healthy food        D     cheap food

viii)  Healthy food makes our body ____.               d

            A     lazy                         B     inactive

            C     weak                       D     fit

ix)     Foods made of ____ give us energy.               c

            A     meat                       B     milk

            C     grains                     D     fruits

x)      We eat more of the foods at the ____of the Pyramid.                             d

            A     top                           B     middle

            C     lower-middle      D     bottom

Additional Questions :

xi)     Among the following food which one should we eat daily?                 b

            A     pizza                       B     vegetables

            C     burger                    D     biriyani

xii)   Grains are the source of ____.                         d

            A     idleness                 B     inactivity

            C     tiredness               D     energy

xiii)  We get energy from ____.                                b

            A     meat                       B     potatoes

            C     fat                            D     lentils

xiv)   What is 'Food Pyramid'?                             d

            A     a huge pile of stone in Egypt

            B     some recipes of foods

            C     a pyramid made of delicious foods

            D     a chart of four groups of food

xv)    Our body requires to be ____.                         d

            A     fat and strong      B     healthy

            C     fit                             D     both (b) and (c)

xvi)   Vitamins help our ____.                                   b

            A     hair                         B     eyes

            C     hands                      D     hearts

xvii) We get ____from fish.                                      c

            A     vitamin                  B     mineral

            C     protein                   D     fat

xviii) We get protein from ____.                              a

            A     beans and lentils

            B     fruit and vegetables

            C     potatoes and grains

            D     fat and oil

xix)   What make our food delicious?                  c

            A     Potatoes                B     Vegetables

            C     Fat and oil            D     Dairy Products

xx)    Which one is a dairy product?                    d

            A     fish                          B     fruits

            C     juice                       D     yoghurt

xxi)   Our body does not need very much of ____.  b

            A     potatoes and dairy products

            B     fat and oil

            C     fish and meat

            D     vegetables and fruits

xxii) Why should we need to make good choices about food?                      d

            A     to keep us fit

            B     to keep us fat

            C     to keep us healthy

            D     both (a) and (c)

[Unit 8: Lesson 1-2]

Sima is at home today. She didn’t go to school because she is ill. She has a cough, and a sore throat. She also feels very warm because she has a fever. She has the flu.  The doctor visited Sima today. She needs some medicine.  He also told her what to do in order to get well soon.

The doctor's advice

'Eat food that gives your body energy. Try to eat, even if you aren't hungry. You need to be strong.'

'Rest! Stay at home. Don’t go to school or work.'

'Drink a lot of water or juice. They are better than soft drinks.'

'Are you coughing or sneezing? Cover your mouth and nose! Use a tissue, not your hand!'

'Wash your hands regularly.'

'Use your own plate, glass and cup. Other people can catch your illness from these things.'

  Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i)      What does the story tell us?                         a

           A     Sima's illness           B     Sima's father

           C     Sima's mother         D     Sima's sister

ii)     Sima has got _____.                                        b

           A     chicken pox              B     a cough

           C     headache                    D     stomach pain

iii)    Sima is forced to stay at home because _____. c

           A     she is lazy

           B     she cannot complete her homework

           C     she is ill

           D     it is a holiday

iv)    'Eat food that give your body energy.' Here 'energy' means _____.  d

           A     food                             B     water

           C     body                            D     strength

v)      Who has said she should "Take enough rest?"      a

           A     Sima's doctor           B     Sima's brother

           C     Sima's mother         D     Sima's friend

vi)    Virus is spread by _____.                               b

           A     drinks                          B     cough

           C     food                             D     bacteria

vii)   The doctor told Sima to be careful to use her own glass and plate to _____.                                                               c

           A     save Sima from disease

           B     show food manners

           C     prevent others from diseases

           D     keep herself clean

viii)  When someone gets influenza they _____.   d

           A     should drink liquids

           B     should eat some food

           C     should stay at home

           D     all the above

ix)    The doctor advised Sima to stay at home because she _____.             a

           A     might spread the disease

           B     was tired

           C     was weak

           D     was hungry

x)      Why is Sima at home?                                  c

           A     Because she has gone mad

          B     As she is weak

           C     Because of getting influenza

         D     To take rest

Additional Questions

xi)    The flu is _____ disease.                                 c

           A     an incurable    B     a rare

           C     an infectious          D     a common

xii)   Which of the following is not to be done by Sima? b

           A     Taking enough rest

          B     Gossiping with friends

           C     Staying at home

         D     drinking a lot of liquids

xiii)  Sima is _____.                                                  a

           A     a student    B     garment worker

           C     a teacher                D     a housewife

xiv)  Sima does not want to _____ the virus.        b

           A     attack     B     spread

           C     see                         D     experiment

xv)    Who prescribed Sima some medicine?       b

           A     Mother     B     The doctor

           C     The nurse               D     Teacher

xvi)  Sima is taking _____.                                      d

           A     medicines    B     rest

           C     doctor's advice      D     medicines and rest

xvii) Sima wants to go to _____.                             b

           A     hospital    B     school

           C     market                   D     playground

xviii) In the doctor's advice list of things to do, he asked Sima to do _____.                                                                        d

           A     10 things    B     7 things

           C     3 things                  D     6 things

xix)  'Stay at home'. This is an _____ sentence.   c

           A     Exclamatory  B     Interrogative

           C     Imperative             D     Assertive

[Unit 9: Lesson 1-2]

A long time ago, when Raju was in Class 5, there was a fire in his school. Everyone was very afraid, but no one panicked. The teachers helped the students to leave the building quietly and safely. Soon the firefighters came and put out the fire.  Raju watched the firefighters from the school yard. He thought about the fire and the firefighters for a long time. After college, Raju joined a volunteer fire department. As a volunteer, he didn't get any money for his work. But Raju didn't mind.

Now Raju is a full-time firefighter. It is his job, so he earns money for it. Most of the time his work is putting out fires, but he also teaches new firefighters about safety. He likes teaching very much. In his free time, Raju visits schools. He talks to students about fire safety.  He tells them what to do if there is a fire. They shouldn't panic. They should listen to their teachers and leave the building quietly.

  Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i)     What is the story about?                                a

         A     Firefighter              B     Free time

         C     Raju                           D     Raju's school

ii)   Raju got _____.                                                 d

         A     panicked                  B     puzzled

         C     astonished               D     afraid

iii)  Raju's main job is _____.                                b

         A     to train the people B     to put out fires

         C     to teach the people  D     to work in school

iv)   Fire is put out by _____.                                  b

         A     Raji                      B     firefighters

         C     students               D     All kinds of people

v)    After college, Raju joind a volunteer fire department because _____.       a                        

         A     he could not forget the fire accident

         B     he was lazy

         C     he was weak

         D     he could not study more

vi)   When Raju was in ckass 5, there _____.        a                                     

         A     was a fire in his school

         B     was a fire in his house

         C     was a bus accident

         D     was a train accident

vii) In his free time Raju likes to _____.               b                                     

         A     play chess            B     visit schools

         C     go to cinema        D     visit hospitals

viii) Why did everyone get afraid?                      c

         A     There was a tiger in front of the school

       B     There was a snake beside the river

         C     There was a fire in the school

       D     For nothing at all

ix)   Raju is a _____.                                                c

         A     rickshaw puller     B     freedom fighter

         C     firefighter               D     businessman

x)    There was a fire in his school building when _____.                                           a

         A     Raju was in class 5 B     Raju was in class 6

         C     Raju was in class 7 D     Raju was in class 8

Additional Questions

xi)   Raju joined a volunteer fire department _____.                                           d

         A     after finishing PEC

         B     after finishing JSC

         C     after finishing SSC

         D     after finishing HSC

xii) Raju could not forget _____ for many days.   a

         A     fire accident in his school building

         B     road accident

         C     joining fire department

         D     collapse of his school building

xiii) Raju tells the students _____.                          c

         A     what to do if earthquake occurs

         B     what to do if flood occurs

         C     what to do if there is a fire

         D     what to do if climate changes

xiv) What could not Raju forget?                        c

         A     School days

         B     Fire brigade

         C     School building on fire

         D     Teachers

xv)  What is Raju's main job?                              c

         A     Keeping in fire      B     Warming about fire

         C     Putting out fire      D     Alerting about fire

xvi) Why was everybody of the school got afraid?                                     d

         A     To see the fire brigade

         B     To see the people

         C     To see the firefighter

         D     To see the fire

xvii) When does Raju like to visit schools?           a

         A     In his free time

         B     In his vacation

         C     In his working period

         D     All the year round

xviii) How is Raju's duty now?                                b

         A     Part time                  B     Full-time

         C     Voluntary                D     Free of cost

xix) Raju teaches the _____.                                    d

         A     elderly                      B     kids

         C     women                     D     new firefighters

  1. xx)  The word 'put out' means _____.                    c

         A     below                        B     fire

         C     extinguish               D     ignite

xxi) A firefighter _____ fire.                                   d

         A     ignites                      B     fans

         C     blows                        D     puts out

xxii) Raju speaks about _____.                                d

         A     spreading fire        B     storing firs

         C     using fires               D     fire safety

xxiii) The main job of a firefighter is _____.           b

         A     lighting up fires    B     putting out fires

         C     running with fires D     working in fires

[Unit 10: Lesson 1-5]

My home district is Kishoreganj. It is about 145 kilometers from Dhaka. It is a district headquarters. The district has 8 municipalities, 13 upazilas, 108 unions, and 1745 villages. The name Kishoreganj comes from the name of an old landlord known as Brojakishore Pramanik or Nandakishore Pramanik. The area of Kishoreganj municipality is about 10 square kilometres. The river Narasunda flows through the town. Kishoreganj is a small town. But there are many important places in and around it. The largest Eid fair grounds, called Solakia Eid Ground and the well-known Government Gurudayal College  are in the town. People from many districts come to this place to celebrate Eid. The Pagla Mosque is aslo in my home district. Outside the town, you can visit the fort of Isah Khan at Jangal Bari, You can also see the Shah Muhammad Mosque at Egaroshindhur. Near the Fuleshwari River, you can see the Shiva temple of Chandrabati. Kishoreganj is also the home district of some famous people. Chandrabati, the first woman poet of Bangla literature, was born here. Two writers of children’s literature Upendro Kishore Roy Chowdhury and Sukumar Roy are also from here. The great painter Zainul Abedin comes from Kishoreganj, too. Syed Nazrul Islam, the first acting President of Bangladesh is also from here. I love my home district!

  Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i)     What is the story about?                                a

         A     The history of Kishoreganj

         B     The important places of a town

         C     The culture of Kishoreganj

         D     The origin of a town

ii)   The district Kishoreganj consists of _____.   d                                     

         A     10 upazilas             B     7 municipalities

         C     100 unions              D     1745 villages

iii)  The people of Kishoreganj are proud of _____.                                     b

         A     Protap Singh          B     Isha Khan

         C     King Gopal             D     Queen Victoria

iv)   "Two popular writers." Here 'Popular' means _____.                                           c                             

         A     notorious                 B     mad

         C     reputed                     D     unknown

v)    Who has made Kishoreganj famous by his painting?                                           b

         A     Rafiqun Nabi         B     Zainul Abedin

         C     Kamrul Hasan       D     Ahsan Habib

vi)   The first acting president of Bangladesh _____ was born in Kishoreganj.              c

         A     Kazi Nazrul Islam B     Monsur Ali

         C     Syed Nazrul Islam D     Taj Uddin Ahmed

vii) The name of Kishoreganj came from the name of an old _____.                                           d

         A     writer                        B     poet

         C     singer                        D     landlord

viii) The largest Eid Ground of the country is situated at _____.                                           c

         A     Jangal Bari in Kishoreganj

       B     Gouranga Bazar

         C     Solakia in Kishoreganj

       D     Kharampatti in Kishoreganj

ix)   The Shah Muhammad Mosque is situated at _____.                                           a

         A     Egaroshindhur in Kishoreganj

         B     Jangal Bari in Kishoreganj

         C     Solakia in Kishoreganj

         D     Battrish in Kishoreganj

x)    Who is famous to the children?                     b

         A     Ahsan Habib

         B     Sukumar Roy

         C     Shamsur Rahaman

         D     Jahangir Alom Jahan

Additional Questions

xi)   Kishoreganj is only _____ from Dhaka.         d

         A     142 kilometres      B     143 kilometres

         C     144 kilometres      D     145 kilometres

xii) The area of Kishoreganj town is _____.         a

         A     10 square kilometres

         B     11 square kilometres

         C     12 square kilometres

         D     13 square kilometres

xiii) The fort of Isah Khan is situated at _____.    b

         A     Egaroshindhur in Kishoreganj

         B     Jangal Bari in Kishoreganj

         C     Solakia in Kishoreganj

         D     Jamidar Bari in Kishoreganj

xiv) Shiva Temple of Chandrabati is situated _____.                                           a

         A     on the bank if Fuleshwari river

         B     on the bank of Narasunda

         C     on the bank of Ichamati

         D     on the bank of Jamuna

xv)  The first woman poet of Bangla literature is _____.                                           d

         A     Sufia Kamal           B     Monica Ali

         C     Dilara Hashem      D     Chandrabati

xvi) Kishoreganj has many _____ places.              a

         A     significant              B     insignificant

         C     unimportant           D     unknown

xvii) Kishoreganj is a _____ town.                         d

         A     large                          B     wide

         C     huge                          D     small

xviii) The _____ Eid ground is in Kishoreganj.    a

         A     biggest                     B     smallest

         C     tallest                        D     shortest

xix) Kishoreganj is an important town for _____.                                        d

         A     two mosques

         B     an Eid ground

         C     a temple and a college

         D     all these places

xx)  The fort of Isah Khan is _____ the town.       d

         A     in                                B     within

         C     beside                       D     out of

xxi) Kishoreganj is named _____ an old landlord.  c

         A     before                       B     with

         C     after                           D     from

xxii) Kishoreganj is a place of many _____ personalities.                            c

         A     notorious                 B     infamous

         C     great                          D     ignoble

xxiii) _____ writers of children's literature were born in Kishoreganj.       a

         A     Two                           B     Three

         C     Four                           D     Five

xxiv) Chandrabati was a _____.                               a

         A     poet                           B     actor

         C     writer                        D     novelist

xxv) The district consists _____ 8 municipalities.    d

         A     with                           B     between

         C     in                                D     of

xxvi) A small river flows _____ the town.                b

         A     by                               B     across

         C     over                           D     near

xxvii) Brojakishore Pramanik was a _____.            a

         A     landlord                   B     governor

         C     president                 D     peasant

xxviii) Which one is a temple?                               b

         A     Naboratno               B     Shiva

         C     Jamuna                     D     Pagla

xxix) Isah Khan built a _____ at Jangal Bari.         d

         A     mosque                    B     temple

         C     church                      D     fort

xxx) The writer has mentioned the name of _____ mosques.                       a

         A     two                             B     three

         C     four                            D     five

xxxi) Which fort is in Kishoreganj?                       b

         A     Of Gurudayal

         B     Of Isah Khan

         C     Of Shah Mohammad

         D     Of Chandrabati

xxxii) Who is not from Kishoreganj?                    c

         A     Syed Nazrul Islam

         B     Zainul Abedin

         C     Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah

         D     Sukumar Roy

আরো পড়ুনঃ 

বৃত্তি পরীক্ষার সকল বিষয়ের সাজেশন দেখুন এখানে

1 মন্তব্যসমূহ

নবীনতর পূর্বতন