৫ম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন (11-25 Unit) প্রাথমিক বৃত্তি পরীক্ষা ২০২২ ইংরেজি সাজেশ

৫ম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন (11-25 Unit) প্রাথমিক বৃত্তি পরীক্ষা ২০২২ ইংরেজি সাজেশ

প্রাথমিক বৃত্তি পরীক্ষা ২০২২ এ ৪টি বিষয়ের মধ্যে একটি হলো ইংরেজি। ইংরেজি বিষয়ে ১৫টি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন থাকবে এবারের বৃত্তি পরীক্ষায়। শিক্ষার্থীদের বর্ষিক মূল্যায়নে ইংরেজি বিষয়ে বহুনির্বাচনী বা mcq  না থাকায় শিক্ষার্থীদের আলাদাকরে ইংরেজি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্নগুলো পড়তে হবে। কিন্তু কোনো গাইড বইয়ে ইংরেজি বিষয়ে বহুনির্বাচনী বা mcq প্রশ্ন না থাকায় শিক্ষার্থীরা প্রশ্নের ধরণ বুঝতে পারছেনা। তাই এখানে বৃত্তি পরীক্ষা ২০২২ ইংরেজি বিষয়ে প্রস্তুতির জন্য ১০ থেকে ২৫ অধ্যায়ের mcq প্রশ্ন দেওয়া হলো। শিক্ষার্থীরা এগুলো ভালো করে পড়ে প্রস্তুতি নিলে ভালো করবে আশা করা যায়।

৫ম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন

[Unit 12: Lesson 1-4]
Andy : Hi, Tamal! Can you help me with something? 
Tamal : Sure, Andy! 
Andy : What are the main tourist spots in Bangladesh? I know about Cox's Bazar. I visited it last month.
Tamal : Oh, Cox's Bazar is the most popular tourist spot.
Andy : And it's beautiful! I loved the sea and the beach! But I'd like to see some new places this time.
Tamal : Right! There are many places to see in our country. You can go to Srimangal. You can enjoy the beauty of the tea gardens there. From there you can go to Madhabkundu. There are some wonderful waterfalls there. You can also go to Saint Martin's Island. It's a special place. 
Andy : What is special about Saint Martin's Island? 
Tamal : It's an island in the Bay of Bengal, and it's the only coral island in Bangladesh. You can see coral in different shapes and colours. And the water in the Bay of Bengal is very clean and blue! 
Andy : Oh, that sounds wonderful! 
Tamal : Yes, it is! You can also see the turtles on the island. The turtles make their nests on the beach and then they lay their eggs in them. You can see many fish, too! 
Andy : Wow! Really? Can I go sailing?
Tamal : Well, you can take a day cruise. You can go on wooden boats or sea truck. The cruises are exciting and safe. They are a great way to see the Bay. 
Andy : Thanks for the information, Tamal! 
1. Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক ‍উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i) Cox's Bazar is known for the ____ a
A sea beach B port
C forest D an island
ii) We can see tea gardens ____ d
A at Cox's Bazar B at Madhabkunda
C at Saint Martin's D at Srimangal
iii) Madhabkundu is famous for ____ b
A tea gardens B waterfalls
C sea beach D island
iv) Cox's Bazar is well known for its ____. c
A beautiful waterfalls B beautiful tea garden
C beautiful sea beach D beautiful coral
v) Saint Martin’s is a/an ____ d
A country B sea
C river D island
vi) Island means ____. c
A plain land surrounded by hills
B sea water
C plain land surrounded by water
D sea beach
vii) Who loved the sea and the beach at Cox's bazar? b
A Sharmin B Andy
C Tamal D None of them
viii) 'Tourist spot' means ____. c
A a spot where people go to live
B a spot where people go to trade
C a spot where people go to enjoy
D none of them
ix) The longest sea beach is at ____ c
A Madhabkundu B Srimangal
C Cox's Bazar D Saint Martin’s Island
x) What is the most popular tourist spot in Bangladesh? d
A Saint Martin’s B Madhabkundu
C Srimangal D Cox's Bazar

Additional Questions
xi) It's the only coral island in Bangladesh. Here 'coral' is a/an ____. b
A noun B adjective
C verb D adverb
xii) What is not available in St. Martin's Island? b
A Beautiful corals
B Beautiful waterfalls
C Turtles
D Variety of sea fishes
xiiii) What is the opposite word of 'Special'? c
A Boring B Ugly
C Ordinary D Particular
xiv) The cruises are exciting and safe. Make a 'Wh-question' for the above sentence. d
A What are the trips?
B Where are the trips?
C Why are the trips?
D How are the trips?
xv) In St. Martin's Island, one can go ____ in the sea. b
A sail B sailing
C sailed D sails
xvi) Island is a place which is surrounded by ____. a
A water B forest
C trees D hills
xvii) You can see beautiful coral of different shapes and colours. Here 'coral' is a/an ____. a
A noun B adjective
C verb D adverb
xviii) The most popular tourist spot here is Cox's Bazar. Make a 'Wh-question' for the above sentence. c
A How is the most popular tourist spot here?
B Why is the most popular tourist spot here?
C What is the most popular tourist spot here?
D Where is the most popular tourist spot here?
xix) Andy became curious about ____. c
A Cox's Bazar
B Srimangal
C Saint Martin's Island
D Madhabkunda
xx) Andy ____ to go to St. Martin's Island. a
A likes B hates
C dislikes D avoids
xxi) Saint Martin's Island ____ Andy. d
A bores B disturbs
C disheartens D attracts
xxii) One can go to St. Martin's Island by ____. d
A bus B train
C truck D sea-truck
xxiii) Tamal ____ Andy to give information about Saint Martin's Island. a
A helps B avoids
C allows D permits

[Unit 14: Lesson 1-2]
One day, a hare was walking in the forest when he saw a tortoise. The hare was the fastest animal in the forest. The hare called out to the tortoise, "Hurry up! you are so slow! Can't you walk faster? Can't you run?" 
The tortoise felt angry and said to the hare, "Why don't we have a race? Maybe I can win!" 
The hare laughed and laughed. "Sure! I will win!" the hare said. They agreed to start next to a big tree and finish at the river. Then they called their friends to watch. The hare stood beside the tortoise and the race began. 
The hare ran quickly and in a few minutes the hare was out of sight. The hare said to himself, "The tortoise is very far behind. I can see the finish line. I have time for a nap!" Soon the hare was asleep under a tree next to the path.
The tortoise walked steadily, on and on. He didn't stop. Soon, he passed the sleeping hare.
The hare slept for an hour. When he finally woke up, he looked at the finish line. He couldn't believe his eyes! Tortoise was almost at the finish line! The hare ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise crossed the finish line and won the competition! The hare was furious!
The tortoise looked back at the hare and smiled. Then he said, "Slow but steady wins the race!"
1. Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক ‍উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i) What is the story about? c
A A hare
B A tortoise
C Slow but steady wins the race
D A journey
ii) The hare saw ____. b
A a cat B a tortoise
C an elephant D a horse
iii) The tortoise felt angry because ____. a
A the hare told him slow
B he was an angry animal
C he was annoyed
D he was sleeping
iv) 'They agreed to start.' Here 'start' means ____. c
A finish B continue
C begin D first
v) Who has said "I can see the finish line." b
A The tortoise B The hare
C The dog D The fox
vi) The hare was defeated by ____. a
A the tortoise B the tiger
C the monkey D the lion
vii) The hare said to himself, "I have time for a nap!" Because ____. b
A the tortoise was walking fast
B the tortoise was far behind
C the tortoise was weak
D the tortoise was sleeping
viii) When the hare woke up, he____. a
A looked at the finish line
B began to run
C cried out
D started laughing
ix) The tortoise had reached the finishing line before the hare because ____. b
A he could run fast
B he was slow but steady
C he knew magic
D a horse helped him to reach
x) Why did the hare laugh at the tortoise? a
A Because the hare was slow
  B To defeat him
C So that she could win
D As she was a large animal

Additional Questions
xi) The hare was walking ____. c
A beside a river B beside a tree
C in a forest D beside a mountain
xii) The hare and the tortoise both agreed to begin their race ____. a
A next to big a tree
  B next to the bank of a river
C next to a banyan tree
D next to the mountain
xiii) The hare took a nap ____. b
A under a bed B under a tree
C under a hill D under a river
xiv) The tortoise walked ____. d
A speedily B quickly
C fastly D slowly
xv) The hare laughed at the tortoise because ____. c
A the hare was proud of its speed
B the tortoise had a slow movement
C both (a) & (b)
D none of these
xvi) The hare was proud of his ____. a
A swiftness B sleep
C steady D slow movement
xvii) How was the tortoise walking? c
A Quickly B Lazily
C Slowly D Smilingly
xviii) Who invited to run a race? b
A The hare B The tortoise
C Both of them D None of them
xix) The tortoise walked without any ____. d
A thought B target
C eat D interval
xx) Why was the hare surprised? d
A the tortoise was sleeping
B the tortoise was defeated
C the tortoise was smiling
D the tortoise was about to win
xxi) Where was the finishing line? c
A Beside a tree B Near the forest
C At a river D Near a tree
xxii) The tortoise won the race for his ____. a
A steadiness B anger
C happiness D laziness
xxiii) The similar meaning word of angry is ____. c
A delighted B proud
C furious D wicked
xxiv) The tortoise felt angry. Here 'angry' is a ____. d
A noun B verb
C adjective D adverb
xxv) The hare was ____. c
A clever B cunning
C foolish D brave
xxvi) Who looked back? a
A The hare B The tortoise
C The fox D The dog

[Unit 15: Lesson 1]
A person's birthday is a special day. This is the date when the person was born. People around the world celebrate birthdays in different ways. In many countries, people celebrate with a cake.  There are candles on the cake. There is one candle for each year of the person's life.  People sing a song for the person. At the end of the song, the person blows out the candles. 
How old is the birthday girl in the picture? In some countries, there is often a party for a child's birthday. The child's friends come to the home. There is special food, like sweets. The children play games and sing.  The friends often bring a birthday gift for the child. The gifts are wrapped in colourful paper.  The gift may be a toy, a book or some clothes. In some countries, the friends don't bring gifts. The most important thing is to enjoy the day and spend time with friends and family.
1. Write the answer on the answer paper. (সঠিক ‍উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i) A birthday is a ____ in one's life. c
A normal day B work-day
C special day D holiday
ii) A birthday is the day when you were____ b
A active B born
C recognized D loved
iii) What are lit on a birthday? b
A torches B candles
C lamps D lanterns
iv) What does the number of candles indicate? d
A happiness B sadness
C delight D age
v) Children around the world ____ birthday. a
A enjoy B forget
C avoid D neglect
vi) A ____ is arranged on a birthday. c
A talk show B concert
C party D meeting
vii) The number or candles indicates the ––. c
A days B months
C years D hours
viii) Birthday is celebrated ____. c
A in Bangladesh only
B in India only
C around the world
D in Asia only
ix) The word 'children' is ____. b
A singular number of 'child'
B plural number of 'child'
C both of these
D none of these
x) Why do children sing songs? c
A To make noise
B To say prayer
C To wish happiness
D To express sorrow

Additional Questions
xi) A birthday is a special day. Here 'special' is a/an ____. b
A noun B adjective
C verb D adverb
xii) What do candles symbolize? c
A Maturity of the child
B Class of the child
C Age of the child
D Symbolize nothing
xiii) A birthday is ____. c
A a hot day B a sad day
C a memorable day D a funny day
xiv) What is the past form of enjoy? b
A Enjoys B Enjoyed
C Enjoying D Enjoy
xv) One candle is the symbol of ____. a
A one year B two years
C four years D five years
xvi) The main food item of a birthday party is ____. b
A biriani B birthday cake
C rice D sweet
xvii) Parents arrange on this day ____. a
A a party B a talk show
C sports D nothing

[Unit 19: Lessons 1-4]
On 14 December our class went on a field trip to the Liberation War Museum at Segunbagicha, Dhaka. The trip was planned as part of our Bangladesh and global studies course. Our bus reached the museum at 10 a.m.  A guide was waiting for us. He welcomed us warmly and took us on a quick tour of the different galleries and exhibits of the museum. 
There were six galleries that exhibited rare photographs, documents, news-paper clippings and objects used by the freedom fighters and the martyrs of our liberation war. At Gallery 3, our Teacher read out to us the Declaration of Independence by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Some other visitors also stopped and listened to it attentively.  As we went inside Gallery 6, we fell silent. We were sad as we looked at the personal belongings of some of our martyred intellectuals and freedom fighters – a pair of glasses, a pen, a note–book, a  money–bag, a soiled shirt  and  other such things. 
We left the museum at 12:30. Before that we watched a video film on our liberation war and our Independence. It was an experience we will never forget.
1. Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক ‍উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i) ____ wrote the news story. c
A A teacher
B A reporter
C A student of class 5
D A group of students
ii) The Liberation War Museum is situated at ____ c
A Shahbagh B Kathalbagan
C Segunbagicha D Begunbari
iii) ____ the bus reached the museum. b
A At 9 a.m. B At 10 a.m.
C At 4 p.m. D At 5 p.m.
iv) ____ was waiting for the students. b
A Farhan Ahmed B A guide
C A teacher D An officer
v) How many galleries were there in the museum? c
A Four galleries B Five galleries
C Six galleries D Three galleries
vi) Some visitors stopped at Gallery 3 ____. c
A to see the photographs of freedom fighters
B to accompany the students
C to listen to the Declaration of Independence by Bangabandhu
D to listen to the music
vii) ____ showed the students around the museum. b
A Their teacher
B A guide
C A caretaker of the museum
D An officer
viii) ____ the students left the museum. a
A At 12.30 B At 1.30
C At 2.30 D At 3.30
ix) "It was an experience we will never forget." What kind of sentence is it? b
A Simple B Complex
C Compound D Interrogative
x) Where did the students fall silent? b
A At Gallery 3 B At Gallery 6
C In the Museum D At Gallery 4

Additional Questions
xi) On ____ the class went on a field trip. b
A 16 December B 14 December
C 26 March D 15 August
xii) A guide was waiting at ____. d
A bus stand B the school
C the gallery D the museum
xiii) The students left the museum with ____. b
A a video film
B an experience
C some personal belongings of martyrs
D some documents
xiv) The Declaration of Independence was at ____. d
A Gallery 4 B Gallery 7
C Gallery 6 D Gallery 3
xv) Who declared the independence of Bangladesh? c
A freedom fighters
B intellectuals
C Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujibur Rahman
D teachers
xvi) The student fell silent because ––. d
A they enjoyed the trip
B they were watching a film
C they were listening to music
D they were sad
xvii) The personal belongings of some martyrs were at ––. d
A Gallery 2 B Gallery 3
C Gallery 4 D Gallery 6
xviii) Who took the students on a quick tour of the different galleries? c
A The school authority
B The teachers
C The guide
D The martyrs
xix) The students went on a trip on the ____. d
A week holiday
B Independence Day
C Victory Day
D Martyred Intellectual Day
xx) How long did the students stay at the museum? b
A 1 hour B 2.5 hours
C 10 hours D 12 hours
xxi) The students watched a video film ____. a
A before leaving B after leaving
C before entering D after entering
xxii) The students will never ____ the visit. a
A forget B remember
C make D ever
xxiiii) Who is describing the story? c
A The guide B The teacher
C the writer D the visitors

[Unit 20: Lesson 1-2]
It's a beautiful spring day. Maria gets up early. She feels happy. She knows that it's a nice day because she puts her hand on the glass of the window. It is very warm. She opens the window and the singing of the birds fills the room. She can smell the flowers outside her home. They smell sweet and fresh. After Maria gets dressed and has her breakfast, she puts her books in her bag. She is ready for school.
Maria is a lot like any other students in her neighbourhood. She goes to school and likes to be with her friends. But Maria cannot see the beautiful spring. She cannot see the flowers, the blue sky or the singing birds. She cannot see the new green leaves on the trees. She cannot see because she is visually impaired. She has been unable to see since she was born. But Maria is happy. She goes to school every day. She can learn the information because she reads Braille. Braille is a script that uses raised dots. Each letter is made from dots. People move their fingers across the raised dots to read. Maria learned to read Braille as a young child. Her books at school are in Braille. She enjoys reading poems and history. Maria's teacher says she is a good learner.
1. Write the answers on the answer paper.(সঠিক ‍উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i) The day is ____ b
A boring B nice
C tedious D ugly
ii) Maria wakes up early feeling ____ a
A delighted B sad
C loneliness D warmth
iii) It comes to Maria's ____ that the day is nice. d
A know B knows
C learning D knowledge
iv) Who says that Maria is a good learner? c
A her parent B her friend
C her teacher D her sister
v) Maria has no power of ____ c
A listening B see
C sight D touching
vi) Maria lost her eyesight ____ d
A by an accident B by a disease
C gradually D since her birth
vii) Maria goes to school with her ____. c
A father B mother
C sister D friends
viii) Braille is a ____. a
A way of reading B way of listening
C way of swimming D way of sleeping
ix) In a Braille script, the letters are written in ____. b
A hidden dots B raised dots
C leveled dots D without any dots
x) 'She is a good learner.' It means that ____ b
A she fails to understand her lesson
B she is good at learning
C she fails in the exam
D she can walk quickly

Additional Questions
xi) When Maria wakes up, she feels ____. b
A sad B happy
C gloomy D angry
xii) Maria can smell the flowers because ____. b
A she knows that it is a nice day
B it's a beautiful spring day
C it's a sunny day
D it's a rainy day
xiii) Maria can’t see the ____ flowers. c
A green B white
C lovely D ugly
xiv) Maria is ____ impaired. c
A physically B mentally
C visually D usually
xv) Maria is learning to read by ____. a
A Braille
B touching the text books
C listening to others
D reading books
xvi) In ––– beautiful flowers bloom in the trees. b
A Summer B Spring
C Winter D Autumn
xvii) At the time of ––– up Maria feels happy. c
A got B get
C getting D gotten
xviii) It is known by ––– that it is a nice day. a
A Maria B Maya
C Mahi D Monia
xix) Maria is –––. b
A dumb B blind
C lame D deaf
xx) In school she is ––– to read. c
A learn B learned
C learning D learns
xxi) In Braille script, ––– are written in raised dots. c
A word B sentences
C letters D words
xxii) What kind of student is Maria? c
A dull B weak
C brilliant D bad
xxiii) Maria enjoys reading ____. c
A poems and novels B poems and history
C poem and dramas D history and dramas

[Unit 21: Lesson 1-4]
Last January I went to a cub camporee. It was my first visit to a cub camporee  and it was my first time away from home! A camporee is a gathering of cubs from different parts of Bangladesh. Cubs all over the world have their own camporees.
The cub camporee took place in Srimangal. To get there, we first travelled from Dhaka to Sylhet. From Sylhet, we took a train to Srimangal.  We arrived in the morning, so the weather was nice. We walked to our camp from the train station. There were 10 of us and two leaders. We were a big group, so we didn't take any rickshaws. We walked together in our group. It wasn't very far. At the camp, we cleaned up the area, set up our tents and prepared our breakfast. After breakfast, we played games with cubs from other parts of Bangladesh. Then we had lunch. We cooked rice and chicken. In the afternoon and evening, we sang songs and recited poems. It was fun! At night we slept in our tents.
The next day, after the camporee, we went to Lowachara National Park. It was very interesting!  We took a walk beside a small stream in the forest. Our leaders told us to be very quiet because the animals are frightened by noise. We walked quietly up a small hill, and suddenly we heard something in the trees above our heads. We looked up and saw a gibbon! It was moving quickly through the trees.
After our visit to Lowachara National Park, we went to the Nilkantha Tea Cabin. This is a famous place to drink tea in Srimangal. The Nilkantha Tea Cabin sells a glass of tea of seven colours and different flavours. It was amazing! I will never forget my visit to Lowachara National Park. It was a great day.
1. Write the answers on the answer paper. (সঠিক ‍উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i) Where did the cub camporee take place. b
A In Sylhet B In Srimangal
C In Dhaka D In Jaflong
ii) Who told the story about the cub camporee? d
A A teacher B A reporter
C A tourist D A student
iii) How did the cubs go to Srimangal from Sylhet? d
A on foot B by bus
C by rickshaw D by train
iv) Where did they stay at night? b
A in the building B in the tents
C in the school D in the open field
v) When did they go to the cub camporee? c
A in June B in July
C in January D in May
vi) What is the past form of verb 'take'. b
A taked B took
C taken D toke
vii) How did they go to the camp from Srimangal? b
A by rickshaw B on foot
C by train D by bus
viii) The writer went to a ____ last January. d
A study tour B visit
C personal tour D a cub camporee
ix) The team had ____ with them. b
A one leader B two leaders
C four leaders D six leaders
x) The Lowachara National park is in____ a
A Srimangal B Sylhet
C Dhaka D Madhabkunda

Additional Questions
xi) The team consists of ____ members. d
A 9 B 10
C 11 D 12
xii) Actually it was a two ____ programme. a
A days B months
C years D hours
xiii) How did they start their first day? b
A washing B cleaning
C singing D digging
xiv) What did they do after cleaning? c
A prepared breakfast B cleaned the camp
C set up the tents D had a scout class
xv) In the ____ they enjoyed a cultural programme. d
A morning B evening
C afternoon D both (b) and (c)
xvi) What is the passage about? b
A a visit B a camporee
C a journey D a trip
xvii) The story is narrated by ____. b
A the reporter
B the writer himself
C the teacher
D the scouts
xviii) Srimangal is famous for ____. c
A camporee B waterfall
C tea-garden D nothing
xix) It was the writer's ____ experioence to a cub camporee. a
A first B second
C third D fourth
xx) What is the synonym of 'cubs'? d
A scraps B scores
C schools D scouts
xxi) How many districts are mentioned in the story? b
A one B two
C three D four
xxii) When did the cubs arrive in Srimangal? a
A in the morning B at noon
C in the evening D at midnight
xxiii) How was the weather in the morning? b
A hot B nice
C cool D rough
xxiv) The scouts didn't take any rickshaws because they were a ____ group. d
A small B minor
C medium D big
xxv) The scouts walked ____. c
A separately B alone
C together D singly
xxvi) The cub camporee teaches us to be ____. d
A dependent B selfish
C self loving D self dependent
xxvii) Who told the cubs to be quiet? c
A The teachers B The forest officers
C The leaders D The senior cubs
xxviii) While walking quietly up a small hill, the cubs saw a ____. b
A monkey B gibbon
C snake D elephant
xxix) The Nilkantha Tea Cabin serves a glass of tea of ____ colours. c
A five B six
C seven D eight
xxx) What was amazing to the writer of the story? d
A The gibbon
B The Lowachara National Park
C The small stream in the forest
D The tea of the Nilkantha Tea Cabin

[Unit 24: Lesson 2-5]
Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char. Life is good for the family now, but that wasn't true after Cyclone Aila. Babul doesn't remember Cyclone Aila, but his parents often talk about that terrible night in 2009. 
Babul's father had a grocery shop and his mother worked in a fish farm. They had a small house that they shared with Babul's grandparents. Babul was just a baby, but his sister Nipa was six years old.
Babul's father told him what happened that day.  There was light rain in the morning on 25 May. In the afternoon, the wind started to blow and people began to run for their homes. Babul's father closed his shop and his mother came home. His grandparents checked the family's emergency kit. Their torch was working and they had extra batteries. They put the torch, batteries and first aid kit in plastic box.
By the evening, the river was rising. The winds of Cyclone Aila shook the walls of the house as if there was an earthquake. Everyone was afraid.  Nipa began to cry. Suddenly, there was an awful noise and the family's roof blew away! The sky was dark, but the family could see trees flying over their heads. Grandmother still says she saw fish flying through the sky.
The next day was awful. Babul's family couldn't stop crying. Nipa and grandfather were gone. Babul's father went out to look for them. He found Nipa in a field. She was holding onto a tree and she was covered in mud. She didn't remember anything.  He took Nipa at home and began looking for her grandfather. He looked in the fields, the buildings and in the trees. Many people in Bangladesh were missing after Cyclone Aila, and Babul's grandfather was one of them. The family never found him.
After Cyclone Aila, People worked together. Nipa's school became the shelter for survivors. Babul and his family went to live in the school. The government of Bangladesh and workers from NGO's came to help, but things were very hard. There wasn't enough safe drinking water or food, so many people became ill. In time, people repaired their homes and rebuilt their village and bridges. They planted new trees and new crops in their fields. Babul feels happy when he looks at the trees and his sister Nipa, but he feels sad about his grandfather. His grandmother says, "Don't be sad, Babul. Grandfather wants us to live for the future."
1. Write the answer on the answer paper. (সঠিক ‍উত্তরটির পাশে টিক চিহ্ন দাও)
i) Babul's parents are ____ c
A sick B injured
C alive D dead
ii) Cyclone Aila hit Dublar Char in ____. d
A 2006 B 2007
C 2008 D 2009
iii) Now, Babul's family consists of ____ members. b
A four B five
C six D seven
iv) Dublar Char is a ____ d
A small house B small hatchery
C small distant land D small island
v) On the day of Ayla the wind became strong ____ c
A in the morning B in the afternoon
C in the evening D at night
vi) A strong wind carried and threw Nipa in ____ b
A an island B a field
C a hatchery D in a house
vii) The night was ____. b
A funny B fearful
C interesting D amesing
viii) There was sign of ____ a
A devastation B construction
C creation D manufacture
ix) What did Babul's father have? d
A a fish farm B a fish market
C a grocery market D a grocery shop
x) Who was the youngest member of the family? a
A Nipa B Nipa's mother
C Babul D Babul's father

Additional Questions
i) Babul's father was a ____. c
A farmer B worker
C shopkeeper D teacher
ii) Babul's mother works in a ____. b
A grocery shop B fish farm
C house D school
iii) The age of Nipa was ____ in 2009. b
A 5 B 6
C 7 D 8
iv) The rain and the wind became too strong ____. c
A since morning B in the afternoon
C by the evening D at night
v) Drizzling started ____. a
A in the morning of Ayla
B before the day of Ayla
C after the day of Ayla
D at the night of Ayla
vi) Who told Babul about Aila? b
A Babul's grandfather
B Babul's father
C Babul's mother
D Babul's grandmother
vii) The family will never find Babul's ____. a
A grandfather
B grandmother
C sister
D grandparents and sister
viii) When did the wind began to blow? c
A In the morning B At dawn
C In the afternoon D At night
ix) Who was Nipa? b
A Babul’s cousin B Babul’s sister
C Babul’s neighbour D Babul’s relative
x) People thought their homes ____. d
A dangerous B unsafe
C risky D safe
xi) Where did Babul's mother come from? c
A Grocery shop B field
C fish farm D school
xii) Everyone was afraid because of the ____. b
A earthquake B cyclone
C flood D light rain
xiii) Nipa began to cry because she was ____. b
A unafraid B afraid
C fearless D dauntless
xiv) Who saw fish flying through the sky? d
A Babul's father
B Babul's mother
C Babul's grandfather
D Babul's grandmother
xv) What blew their roof away? c
A an awful noise B an earthquake
C a strong wind D a gentle wind
xvi) Nipa was found holding onto a ____. b
A roof B tree
C wall D timber
xvii) Who rescued Nipa? a
A Nipa's father B Nipa's mother
C Nipa's brother D Nipa's grandfather
xviii) Babul's father went out to look for ____. d
A Nipa and Babul
B Nipa and her grandmother
C Nipa and her father
D Nipa and her grandfather
xix) Babul's ____ was missing after cyclone. c
A mother B father
C grandfather D grandmother
xx) Who was lost for ever? d
A Babul B Nipa
C grandmother D grandfather
xxi) Where did Babul and his family take shelter? b
A Babul's school
B Nipa's school
C Government office
D NGO office
xxii) People worked together ____ cyclone Aila. c
A before B during
C after D just before
xxiii) Why did many people become ill? d
A for lack of unsafe drinking water
B for lack of impure drinking water
C for lack of drinking water
D for lack of safe drinking water
xxiv) Babul feels happy when he looks at the ____. b
A crops and his mother
B trees and his sister
C school and his father
D bridges and his mother
xxv) Why does Babul feel sad? d
A Because of his grandmother
B Because of his sister
C Because of his father
D Because of his grandfather
xxvi) Who consoles Babul? b
A grandfather B grandmother
C father D mother

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